We offer a relaxed atmosphere arranged for professional tasting, and to have the opportunity to read different wines, according to their grape varieties, terroirs, and winemakers.
Desde Abajo
Desde Abajo is designed as a quiet environment , arranged for sharing the genuine appreciation of wine and music, and it takes place in the cellar of our very own house.
My name is Javier Cohen, I'm a musician and a sommelier, but for most of my working life, I was mainly dedicated to the teaching field.
That's why this spot is naturally pointed towards not only the enjoyment of music and wine, but also to the goal of achieving a better understanding and learning.
To that end, it has led us to enjoy even more of the infinite topics that emerge in a glass of wine, as well as in a musical piece.

Música para Catar
This experience is presented in a dinner plan, matching our three teaching moments.
During the entree we focus on the tasting of our wines, according to a professional protocol, but never getting away from the concept of pleasure.
When the main course arrives, we'll have time to make what we call “music treatise for everyone”, which brings the idea of getting close in a simple way to the issues that encircle the musical universe.
All this leading us to our third moment, matching with the dessert, where we'll give a closure concert, hoping that all we talked before can be enjoyable, not only in the “here and now experience” but also for taking home a useful tool, to enjoy a little bit more the daily’s wine and music.
Espacio Desde Abajo
In addition to the scheduled activities, Desde Abajo is available for friends and colleagues who want to meet and display their work content in an inviting business atmosphere.Desde Abajo Wine Shop
A different way of making your own wine cellar.Here you'll find a set of options for buying wine in a customized and didactical purchase offer.